Babette De Lay
Ivy Leaf Reporter
Since God told me I'm going to get it, I walk like I already have it.
(310) 989-4228

What was the date of your initiation?
June 1, 1997
What was your initiation chapter?
Mu Beta Omega
From what college did you graduate?
California State University, Long Beach
What is your highest academic degree?
What is your highest professional credential?
Special Education Credential
What is your Soror status?
Who is/are the Soror-Mentor(s) that supported you?
Sorors Mary K. Guinn, Willie B, Sanford, Carrie Crum, Alice Grigsby
What is your current (or former) occupation?
RSP Instructor
What's your favorite hobby or what you like to do in your spare time?
Museum visits
What's your favorite quote?
Since God told me I'm going to get it, I walk like I already have it.
What special skills do you possess that you are willing to share with the Chapter?
Organization, event planning, historical research
When is your birthday?
Are you Legacy?
What anniversary do you want us to celebrate?
AKAversary - June 1st
What is 1 item on your life's bucket list?
To celebrate 25 years as a cancer survivor
Recommend your top 2 favorite Black-owned businesses.
Darrow's New Orleans Grill - (424) 570-0531 / Up Where We Belong Apparel and Accessories (323) 744-3559
What's the best book you read that you recommend everyone should read?
The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
What's your favorite movie?
An Imitation of Life
What's your favorite song?
I Look to You
Oprah Winfrey likes to share, "What I know for sure.." What do YOU know for sure that you want to share?
I know that I'm thankful for my struggle because without it, I wouldn't have stumbled across my strength.